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Showing posts from May, 2021

Commencement gratitude!

I am writing to express my deep gratitude for your participation in our commencement ceremonies over the weekend. We came together safely to celebrate over the course of two days and five ceremonies. Everywhere I looked across campus – around the fountain, on the steps of Golisano, outside GTC I saw happy families, happy graduates, and happy friends celebrating this milestone occasion. The Nazareth campus was resplendent in sunshine and joy! The 2021 graduation was nothing short of a milestone achievement. I am so proud of our graduates — their strength, accomplishments, and vision for the future. And I am so grateful to our staff and faculty for the months of planning and the commitment to an in-person commencement. Indeed it took the participation and cooperation of the entire community. I want to thank everyone, especially our graduates’ families and friends for taking the extra steps and abiding by our health and safety protocols and doing your part to keep the community safe. I wa

Video message of gratitude

 A message of gratitude from President Beth Paul.