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Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflecting on courage and community on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks

For many in our community, 9/11/01 is a day we will never forget. Although now 20 years later, we remember exactly where we were when the news started breaking, shockingly, incredulously. And for many in our community, 9/11/01 is before their birth, only understood through others’ stories.  9/11/01 was a surreal — and very real — day of tragedy, violence, horror, loss, questioning, and change. On that day, in our inability to make sense of the senseless, we gathered together in community, with whomever was nearby, watching in stunned silence.  Today, we honor the lives lost, and the courage of first responders and the service men and women who went to war following the events of that day. And as our world continues to grapple with vital questions about terrorism, security, global human rights, tragedy, loss, fear, let us again reach for each other. Let us reflect on our shared values of courage, community and social justice and be proactive about what we can do to bring healing, humani